Monday, February 27, 2006

gasless night

went to New orleans(NO) some 3 weeks back....yeah couldnt make it to mardigras by the way:-((
we just went as my frnd wanted to see the condition of his 2nd hand car. we first went to his University in a small town called "Hammond", from there we reached to NO and ate at an Indian restaurant called "Nirvana", and on my insistence we went to "Rang de basanti", but lill did I know tht my insistence would make the nite tooooo chilly for 3 of we couldnt find a single gas station open on our way back....yes Ms.katrina's effect(gas stations were closed by 9:00 on tht belt). And our car ran out of gas and we had to stay in our car with engine off in extremely chilly night....the gas stations were again open by 6:00 in the mor....all in all a very chillllly night.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Movies' Marathon

Movies I saw last 2 weeks….

Ring=>It was like a very creepy movie and by the end of the movie we experience kind of a fear if wht was happening there on TV might happen to us. It was a good variety movie but at some times not tht captivating as it could be.

Hide and Seek(Robert De Niro)=>It was a very gud thriller. It has a feel of sixth sense where we get to know at the very end of the movie abt a basic fact on which the movie revolves. Rober de niro and the lill girl (I beg ur pardon I donno her name) did a gr8 job indeed.

Final Destination2=> After seeing its prequel I thought this would be too, as thrilling….but asides the thrilling aspect of the movie the sequel turned out to be real gross. May be one can stop with its prequel.

De Lovely=>It’s a musical(jazzish) love story with sensitivity….it was a gud movie and I felt like I was watching too many movies of these types (I saw “The English Patient” a few days back and it has similar sensitivity with more higher intensity though). But the Jazz songs, I felt were really brilliant. It’s a gud watch but I felt the story could have a better punch to offer.

The quite American(Brendon Fraser)=> I thought it was waste of time to see that. I just don’t like movies of such type. It was again a love story where the story I felt really lacked a direction.

Devil’s Advocate(Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves)=> It was a gud one with variety. Keanu reeves with his innocence and Al Pacino with his usual panache for delivering punch-ful dialogues steal the show. It has a very strong message to convey.

Don Juan De Marco(, Marlon Brando)=> watch this movie if u wanna see something of different genre which u might not have seen till date….may be thts an exxageration. But how the mind can act and influence others has been shown quite well.

One Hour Photo(Robin Williams)=>I felt It was a very controlled performance by Robin Williams. It was very painful to see such an ending for such a small wish of the protagonist. I had expected a much more effective climax. But the director may have wanted to drive the point in a very straight way.

Fahrenhype(anti to Michael Moore's Farenheit)=>I went to movie gallery to pick Fahrenheit 9/11 but picked this one mistakenly. As I haven’t seen Fahrenheit 9/11 I couldn’t judge the film in a way I could have. But the narration was lucid.

Farenheit 9/11=>yep i brought it just after seeing Farenhype so not to miss the formers's point.It had many discomforting facts like the way Mr.Bush won in 2000, and his links with Bin Laden family. And especially the coverage of how Iraq war was a whim of Bush for oil was very very convincing.

Bowling for Columbine=>It was a classic by Michael Moore, the one who directed “Farenheit-9/11”. To be frank this documentary was more engrossing than “Farenheit-9/11” for me. It dealt with the guns, how they were freely used in US and how US stands number one in count for murders through guns. It mainly focused on the Columbine school shootings.

Memento(Guy Pearce)=>I had seen “Ghazini” the remake of this film in Tamil and Telugu. So as such I know the story b4 hand. But I really liked the way the direction was done. I am sure if the same movie was released in India not many could get to know wht was going in movie….the intelligent directors….but do they need to be so convoluted to make a movie, which is supposed to un-nerve the people in their leisure than to strain the audience for even understanding the movie???

The Constant Gardener(Ralph Feiness, Rachel Weiz)=> It was again about a conspiracy at highest levels of adminstartion by bigwig companies who treated the African people as guinea pigs for their dangerous medicine just for money. How insensitive ppl can be???hmmm

dudes there are real gud movies out english....but now i will take a break and try to shift to reading ....enough of movies....
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